Anyone else using Office 365 for their (Exchange) email and have it configured for SMTP notifications from pfSense? I have tried the settings to authenticate, and I can't seem to get it to work. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Pfsense office 365 smtp settings. Open a browser software, enter the IP address of your Pfsense firewall and access web interface. In our example, the following URL was entered in the Browser:. In this scenario I would like to allow SMTP traffic to my internet provider so that an application in my test environment is able to send notification messages. In this environment I use pfSense. For this to work, you have to create a port forwarding rule on the LAN interface forwarding traffic to any IP with port 587. How are you whitelisting Office 365 traffic within your pfSense environment? Microsoft (and the CDNs it's using) has an insane amount of IP addresses that need to be accessible directly by the end-user. This list changes on a regular basis. Even just downloading the offline installer is a real chore. Am I missing something obvious?

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